The pleasure and passion of the table.
Vicario's Signature Amaro
“Quintessence” can be defined in modern day physics as a hypothetical form of dark energy, but, according to ancient and medieval science, the “fifth essence” is the pure essence that the gods breathed. Aristotle said that since it was located in the celestial regions and heavenly bodies, it moved circularly. The word Quintessence became synonymous with elixirs, medicinal alchemy, and the philosopher’s stone itself.
Conjured by herbs and spices from around the world, Quintessence’s deeply complex characteristics invoke divine satisfaction. Drink it neat after dinner, or hot drink with a piece of lemon peel. It refreshes in summer when added to a sparkling mineral water over ice.
2016 San Francisco Spirits Competition Bronze Medal Award Winner
Wholesale Distribution Partners
SC LKN Distributors, Contact Robert Ageenko. (704) 287-2085
NY, NJ and CT and CA through Skurnik Wines. (212) 273-9463
GA contact National Distributing. Jeff Hagley (404) 696-9440
AZ contact Hensley Beverage Company/Quench Fine Wines and Spirits Daniel Dillon (623)245-7989